Monday, August 18, 2008

Return On Investment

Graduate school is in full swing. Classes have started, primers are being completed, and of course, that means that tuition is due. Most of my cohort are being sponsored or reimbursed by their companies. I, however, work for the state. Obviously there is no room in the budget (balanced though it is for Indiana) for sending people to graduate school. No, this is one that I am taking on the chin. It's a top tier program with a top tier price tag.

Today, I started navigating the world of financial aid. I am utterly baffled (maybe they should have Master's programs for the anomaly that is the financial aid system?). Obviously this is not rocket science; I will of course figure it out, but for this evening I am allowing myself to be completely confused. One of the financial topics we will be talking about in class is ROI... boy there's a concept that hits home!

Right now I'm in the middle of a statistics primer for my first quantitative analysis class. Forget Ambien, totally not necessary when you've got this! Mostly I feel bad for my future professor. I pretty much have an empty, cavernous space where my left brain was supposed to go. Somehow I managed to get through a very quant driven undergraduate degree-- so now we'll see if I can't make it two for two.

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